200 Meter UFO Hovers over Russia Village, Attacked by Russian Jets and leaves area, UFO Sighting News.
200 Meter UFO Hovers over Russia Village, Attacked by Russian Jets and leaves area, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 2011
Location of sighting: Village of Lesopilniy, Khabarovsk, Russia
One eyewitness states: "It was 200 meters in size, much bigger than a large passenger plane. Most residents hid in fear in their homes, however they sent one brave local out to spy on the craft."
An important UFO event has taken place yet again in Russia, receiving massive media attention in that nation while being blacked out by the international UFO cover-up in the West.
Residents of the village Lesopilniy in the region of Khabarovsk noticed a huge revolving object descend on the settlement. The alien spacecraft was described as glowing and two lights were seen on its body. Dozens of stunned locals, young and old, gathered on the streets as the object silently hovered just above the rooftops.
The object was picked up by military radar and soon flares and shots were fired at the UFO from a nearby military base. The object changed direction at this point and eventually shot off into the sky. The event lasted over two hours. A number of residents filmed the event on their mobile phone cameras, however the object was not visible when they replayed their clips.
It is now believed international talks, behind closed-doors, will commence and an investigation as to why the military fired on a peaceful alien craft far more capable of doing damage than any human contraption. Political leaders will be hoping that this action will not jeopardise Humanity's galactic standing, and will be put down to our primitive nature.
☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and “Dragons of Asgard”
For More UFO Information Please Come Visit My Main UFO Site, Click Here.
Date of sighting: May 2011
Location of sighting: Village of Lesopilniy, Khabarovsk, Russia
One eyewitness states: "It was 200 meters in size, much bigger than a large passenger plane. Most residents hid in fear in their homes, however they sent one brave local out to spy on the craft."
An important UFO event has taken place yet again in Russia, receiving massive media attention in that nation while being blacked out by the international UFO cover-up in the West.
Residents of the village Lesopilniy in the region of Khabarovsk noticed a huge revolving object descend on the settlement. The alien spacecraft was described as glowing and two lights were seen on its body. Dozens of stunned locals, young and old, gathered on the streets as the object silently hovered just above the rooftops.
The object was picked up by military radar and soon flares and shots were fired at the UFO from a nearby military base. The object changed direction at this point and eventually shot off into the sky. The event lasted over two hours. A number of residents filmed the event on their mobile phone cameras, however the object was not visible when they replayed their clips.
It is now believed international talks, behind closed-doors, will commence and an investigation as to why the military fired on a peaceful alien craft far more capable of doing damage than any human contraption. Political leaders will be hoping that this action will not jeopardise Humanity's galactic standing, and will be put down to our primitive nature.
☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and “Dragons of Asgard”
For More UFO Information Please Come Visit My Main UFO Site, Click Here.
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