3rd UFO Sighting around Shuttle Endeavor since May 16th launch date, Video.
3rd UFO Sighting around Shuttle Endeavor since May 16th launch date, Video.
(Note: It is possible that this UFO is is the USAF secret X-37B remote control mini shuttle) They may use it to test its cameras and keep an eye the shuttle and the ISS.

Date of sighting: May 19, 2011
Location of sighting: Shuttle Endeavor unloading antimatter detecter array to ISS.
I know, I know, catching a UFO sighting on NASA live cam is like finding candy in a candy store. Well, yes it is that easy. You record their cam and if a UFO passes, which it always does, you upload it to youtube for the world to judge.

This video is not the first but the third different UFO sighting caught along Shuttle Endeavor since May 16th, 2011. Why May 16th? Because that was its launch date and the UFOs were on the move and easier to see on video when they move.

1. At :07 into video, a white orb will appear below the Shuttle on the upper right corner (must pause it to see.)
2. At 1:27 into the video, a distict ship is seen moving past the array the shuttle arm is taking out of the Shuttle Endeaver.
☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and “Dragons of Asgard”
For More UFO Information Please Come Visit My Main UFO Site, Click Here.
(Note: It is possible that this UFO is is the USAF secret X-37B remote control mini shuttle) They may use it to test its cameras and keep an eye the shuttle and the ISS.
Date of sighting: May 19, 2011
Location of sighting: Shuttle Endeavor unloading antimatter detecter array to ISS.
I know, I know, catching a UFO sighting on NASA live cam is like finding candy in a candy store. Well, yes it is that easy. You record their cam and if a UFO passes, which it always does, you upload it to youtube for the world to judge.
This video is not the first but the third different UFO sighting caught along Shuttle Endeavor since May 16th, 2011. Why May 16th? Because that was its launch date and the UFOs were on the move and easier to see on video when they move.
1. At :07 into video, a white orb will appear below the Shuttle on the upper right corner (must pause it to see.)
2. At 1:27 into the video, a distict ship is seen moving past the array the shuttle arm is taking out of the Shuttle Endeaver.
☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and “Dragons of Asgard”
For More UFO Information Please Come Visit My Main UFO Site, Click Here.
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