Cheer Up, Sleepy Jean
Don't know why I can't get that song out of my mind.
It has nothing to do with anything, except maybe we should all cheer up for pete's sake.
People are piling on. Crushing the life out of a great football season. Brady's a choker, the Pats are cheaters, nothing is any good and we should all kill ourselves.
Okay well, maybe no one said that. But people are LOVING our loss.
May I introduce you to our lovely friend, Queen Schadenfreude?
Okay, so this makes a nice transition into politics, especially since a lot of folks compare certain candidates to the Evil Queen 
Does anyone think she is looking more like Eva Peron every day?
I personally like Hillary, and I admire her choice of that ivoy white lacy collar thing. I'll bet it rubs her jaw and neck almost intolerably, but as they say in New Hampshire, Let Us Be Elegant or Die.
Yeah, yeah, I know. Live Free or Die.
I like Obama too. And I don't hate McCain.
What's a girl to do?
First Blooper of the Semester: "I had fun at the church bizarre."
Our minds are racing, dear reader.
A bientot
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