Me and the Jag
I'm on vacation and will be for another month and a half. I might even say "ain't," dear reader. I'm dangerous sometimes.
This is my brother's car, not mine of course. I have returned from Arkansas.
This is my brother and his wife and little Zoey, to whom they are devoted. They all live happily on Lake Hamilton near Hot Springs.
This is part of the view. The ash tray is for the nightly cigars.
My trip was great. I got to eat good Mexican food (you can't get that in New England), see some old friends, talk to some other ones, and hang out with my parents.
I have a new hairstyle too (not shown above--that's the old "wild" style). Caregiver Clarissa at my parents' asked me the other day, "would you like a makeover? Would you like me to make you look totally different?"
"Um, well...."
"Good. Just sit here."
I confess, dear reader, as I sat with a towel over my shoulders, I was fearful. I thought I was going to look like Betty Boop on a bad acid trip. My hair is very curly.
Everybody loves the new do. I think I do too, but I'm still considering.
Meanwhile, my trip home on the plane proved once again why a good book can save the day. I was seated next to a bona fide "Deliverance" guy. He had shoulder length hair, not too many teeth, and reeked--reeked!!--of booze. I believe he consumed four Budweisers on our 2.5 hour trip. His mother was seated across the aisle from us and I eagerly offered to trade with her so they could be together, but she declined.
I read Catching Genius by Kristy Kiernan and I'm very glad it was so good.
"Females don't take long in the bathroom, do they?" my seatmate asked me once.
"Mmmm," I said. What could I have said? Any remotely possible reply would have put us on a far more intimate footing than I desired.
Then when he returned to his own seat a bit later, he confided in me that "they don't make them rest rooms for tall people, I can tell you that."
"Oh," I said. Again, words failed me.
"Sorry," he said. "Ah know yew want to read yer book."
"Oh, it's quite absorbing," I said.
I should have had Zoey the Royal Dog with me. She would have known what to say.
Anyway, dear reader, I am glad to be home. I ain't going nowhere for a while.
A bientot
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