Anthony Weiner Wins Spin Cycle Straw Poll
NYC, Jul 15, 2011. Former Congressman Anthony Weiner, D-NY, has won the latest Spin Cyle Poll as the popular choice to be President Barack Hussein Obama's running mate in next year's election.
He was the overwelming favorite of those who voted in the poll, easily beating eight other candidates.
Hugo Chavez, D-Venezuela finished in second place, and Cynthia McKinney, D-CA, and Paris "Fufu" Anderson (a virtually unknown former actor) tied for third place.
Ironically, the current Vice President, Joe Biden, D-DE, did not get any votes in this straw poll, which is probably a bad sign for his chances of staying on the ticket.
In addition to Joe Biden, Fidel Castro, D-Cuba, Hillary Clinton, D-NY, and Chuck Schumer, D-NY,also got not votes. This poll could also signal the end of Hillary Clinton's presidential ambitions. If she can't get a single vote in a Vice Presidential poll, then it is unlikely she could ever get her party's nomination for President next year.
An Obama/Weiner ticket would have strong appeal for white liberals, minorities, and people who send out naughty photos on Twitter.
Also, since Anthony Weiner is from NY, it would balance the ticket well, since Barack Obama is either from Kenya, Indonesia or Hawaii, based on which documents you choose to believe.
Anthony Weiner is a strong supporter of all of President Obama's policies to increase public debt, and install socialism in America.
This means that this potential match up could work well for the Democrat Party's chances of reelecting President Obama.

He was the overwelming favorite of those who voted in the poll, easily beating eight other candidates.
Hugo Chavez, D-Venezuela finished in second place, and Cynthia McKinney, D-CA, and Paris "Fufu" Anderson (a virtually unknown former actor) tied for third place.
Ironically, the current Vice President, Joe Biden, D-DE, did not get any votes in this straw poll, which is probably a bad sign for his chances of staying on the ticket.
In addition to Joe Biden, Fidel Castro, D-Cuba, Hillary Clinton, D-NY, and Chuck Schumer, D-NY,also got not votes. This poll could also signal the end of Hillary Clinton's presidential ambitions. If she can't get a single vote in a Vice Presidential poll, then it is unlikely she could ever get her party's nomination for President next year.
An Obama/Weiner ticket would have strong appeal for white liberals, minorities, and people who send out naughty photos on Twitter.
Possible Democrat ticket in 2012? |
Anthony Weiner is a strong supporter of all of President Obama's policies to increase public debt, and install socialism in America.
This means that this potential match up could work well for the Democrat Party's chances of reelecting President Obama.
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