
Imagine yourself at 7am, dear reader, enjoying a delicious container of chocolate raspberry-flavored "whipped" yogurt.
You become aware that there is a big metal object in your mouth.
What the----?
In my case, I immediately think it is a tooth or a crown or some huge expensive dental partial that has come loose. But no. There it is over in the corner. See it? It looks something like the top to a salt shaker, but smaller.
There it is. I'm not a good photographer, but there it is.
I have written a letter.
That's all I will say. I am not a litigious sort of gal, but I don't think it's right to put metal gizmos in your yogurt.
I have to lose two pounds. It's most tedious. They have been on me since Arkansas. I can't get under them. And July is going to be one gala calorie fest, so I need to do it now.
Old coupon pals Dick and Dana at a recent reunion. Dick was my boss and the wise purveyor of wisdom in so many areas.
"They cool off fast" (hot sales prospects)
"Meeting the deadline is like trying to get a herd of cows through a doorway."
"If you wait long enough, all problems will go away."
I know this last one sounds potentially irresponsible, dear reader, but he didn't mean it that way. And it is true. And if you wait really long enough, we'll all be dead anyway.
Dana had sayings of her own, such as "doing a Jesus." That's when you are sitting at McDonald's having coffee and you remember something or someone very important that you forgot to get into the mailing. "JESUS!" I think she may be still doing them in her present job.
Me, I am living the dream for now. All thoughts of bloopers are far away.
A bientot
Okay, so on that note I am off to a family jaunt.
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