Day 26

All Fashion Boots : Shoes : Women : Target These boots from Polyvore look just like the ones I bought today, except mine have cool ribbons in the back. I also bought a brown pair. I am stylin', baby! Anything to keep from thinking about food.

Breakfast: The Usual 290

Lunch: LC Hyena Meat with Medallions of Laughter 270
grapes 60
one string cheese 80

Dinner: slice of toast YYYYUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMM 100
WW Slimeballs with Tylenol Sauce 270
grapes 60
fudgcicle 60
BreathSavers 60

TOTAL: 1250
EXERCISE: hard horse farm walk
HUNGER: 10 (assuaged by boot purchase)
MAIN BITCH: can't eat boots
LITTLE VOICE: it isn't working.
Willowy in the Pillowy (?)

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