How Much Money Would I Accept to See These Movies?
Moviefone says: 2008 is one of the "hottest summer movie seasons in years."
Becky says: ARE YOU ON DRUGS?
My friend and I perused the listings over the weekend and could not find ONE movie to see. In plain fact, I would have to be paid to see what is available. Here are the minimum amounts I would take.Indiana Jones and the Something or Other
The first IJ had a scene with snakes in it and I would never chance another one.
$500The Incredible Hulk Does Something or Other. God.
$600 (the extra hundred is due to the unremitting nature of the Hulk in the first place. When did this start? 1970s? Die, already!)Wall-E.
People I have respect for have actually said this movie was good. Or it was cute. Or bearable. I don't think so.
$300 (but I'll lower my rate in honor of my good friends)KUNG-FU PANDA
I don't like cartoons. Sue me. And don't tell me it's Jack Black because it's only his voice.
$300Hellboy 2
(oh dear god in heaven)
I can't continue, dear reader. They are all terrible--terrible to contemplate and I have no doubt terrible to watch. Every time, I mean EVERY TIME, I have been persuaded against my will to attend an action movie like Batman, I have regretted it. I am wondering what time it is as soon as the thing starts.
Why are they SO BORING?
Why can't they make at least ONE English manor house movie with beautiful wallpaper?
And one more thing--why are the box office results of movies listed as "news" items? I don't get that. Far more of interest and relevance to our economy would be listings of how many refrigerators sold over a weekend, wouldn't they? Or cars? But movies? It just don't make sense to this reporter, y'all.
Sorry I'm a little grouchy today.
I'm writing the ending to my book and need all my energy for that.
A bientot
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