
Tom Brady Picture
T: They love me here. Don't you think they love me? Don't you think they would rather look at me than all these basketball players?
G: Yes, definitely. Honey, I really don't want to eat nachos. They are gross.
T: I think most people have forgotten what happened. Don't you, Giselle? You're not still thinking about it, are you?
G: About what, darling? The Super Bowl loss?
T: OOOOh, can you keep your voice down, please?
G: I don't want popcorn either. I get little pieces of it in my teeth. My teeth are expensive, darling.
T: Well, if we come to this game against Detroit, we won't have to come to any potential championship game. They'll never win anyway.
Tom Brady Picture
T: You don't think people are talking about it here, do you?
G: About what, darling? My dress? Whether I will fall?
T: No. About you know.
G: This is New York, sweetie. They are happy you lost.
T: OUCH, that's harsh, Giselle. "Lost" is a cruel word.
G: Well, what would you call it, my sweet? You are the only, how do you say, weak link in the perfect storm in Boston?
T: Perfect season, not perfect storm. And it was almost a perfect season. And we shouldn't have lost.
G: No one is saying it was your fault, lover. It is just that all the other teams were winners. Please I don't want to eat onion rings.
G: My feet are killing me, darling. Can you go a little slower?
T: Do you think these people are thinking about it?
G: Oh my darling, I think we should stay home. But I don't like the cooking shows. Okay?
Another precious June day, dear reader. Enjoy.
A bientot

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