UFO Sighting over Vatican City in Rome of dark disk near Vatican rooftops, May 6 2011, Photos.

UFO Sighting over Vatican City in Rome of dark disk near Vatican rooftops, May 6 2011, Photos.

Sighting Date: May 6, 2011
Sighting Location: Marzano, Italy

I was watchings the live cam that shows the top of Vatican City when I spotted a strange object in the archive photos taken 15 min earlier. It looks like a dark disk in the sky near the the main building. I continued watching for about 15 minutes but saw nothing like if fly past the live cam. This could not be a helicopter or plane because of its low location to the buildings and the shape of the UFO.

The fact that this UFO is over Vatican City shows me that aliens have a deep interest in the religious beliefs of the human species. For me its a bit difficult to understand why such advanced species might focus on religions but it falls into the spiritual realm. If they have some kind of spiritual beliefs, the aliens may find it interesting to see how deep into such a human can go.

Below is the screenshot of the cam without UFO, so you can see it was not a spot on the lens. Always looks smoggy.

Two months ago there was a glowing ball of light that descended from the sky then hovered over a religious temple for a few moments before shooting off upwards into the sky. Five videos from tourists who recorded it were released on Youtube. Maybe this UFO near the Vatican is equally curious about such things.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and “Dragons of Asgard” at online bookstores, or visit my Youtube UFO Video channel TaiwanSCW. Please follow me on Twitter, I'm @SCWbooks ☯

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