May 10, 2004 In UFO History, Alien seen walking across street in Santiago, Chile, UFO Sighting News.

May 10, 2004 In UFO History, Alien seen walking across street in Santiago, Chile, UFO Sighting News.

Note, this looks like the dead alien found dead in Russian snow last week.

Date of sighting: May 10, 2004
Location of sighting: Parque Forestal, Santiago, Chile

Source: Germán Pereira / Corporacion de Investigacion de Fenomenos Aereos (CIFAE), Chile

Report from the witness, Civil Engineer Germán Pereira:

I'm from Concepción and have been working in Santiago for little over a a year. On May 10 this year I decided to take some photos at Parque Forestal, taking some 10 shots which I downloaded to my PC the following day .

Click photo to enlarge.

I thought it would be interesting to photograph a group of Carabineros (state police) on horseback patrolling the sector. The photo was taken at 17:40 hrs approximately from the corner of JM de la Barra and Av. Cardenal José María Caro, in front of bellas Bellas Artes and looking east.

It was a cloudy day and the sun was hidden, for which reason my digital camera ( Kodak DX6490) adjusted to low speed (1/10 seg.).
This is the reason why the photo shows motion (those knowledegable about photography will know the reason why)Furthermore, the Carabineros were som 20 meters distant, and I employed the camera's optical zoom (10x) which added to the blurred result.

The fact is that I am very impressed by this image. I attest to the fact that it is not a fraud nor anything similar. For this reason I have made it public and I contacted the staff of CIFAE Chile. I would like to know the true nature of the image that appears in it and if anyone has ever caught anything similar in a photo. Nothing more.

Germán Pereira A. Ing. Civil Mecánico

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and “Dragons of Asgard”
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