Irezumi the Art of Japanese Tattoos
Labels: Irezumi the Art of Japanese Tattoos | at 11:39 PM
Japanese tattoos are regaining their popularity again amongst the middle classes. Ironically young Japanese people are going for tattoo designs that can be completed in one sitting such as the traditional American style tattoos or tribal tattoos. Traditional irezumi is still done by specialist tattooists. Because Japanese tattoos are so detailed they are also very time intensive and expensive. A traditional 'body suit' (covering the arms, back, upper legs and chest can take up to five years of once-a-week visits to complete and cost more than US$30,000 to complete!
Japanese tattoos are referred to in Japanese as irezumi which literally means the insertion of ink under the skin leaving a permanent mark or tattoo. Tattooing in Japan is thought to extend back to at least 10,000 years. The Ainu people, the indigenous people of Japan, are known to have used tattoos for decorative and social purposes for many thousands of years.
Flying Birds & Dandylion Tattoo
Labels: Flying Birds and Dandylion Tattoo | at 8:13 PM
Labels: JAPANESE TATTOO MASTER's | at 10:10 AM
Dave has revolutionized japanese tattooing in my humble opinnion. Its unbelievably hard to take something that has existed for hundreds of years and give it a new life, while still honoring the past. I mean, just think about it. The style of japanese tattooing has stayed pretty much unchanged for generations and generations. So to someone to change the formula, they have to be one Crazy. Talented. Mother. Fucker. Like Shaft on crack.

Try a tattoo - the Japanese style
Labels: Try a tattoo - the Japanese style | at 10:00 AM
The sad fact is that you will not find a tattoo parlor in the yellow pages who can make such incredible artwork. This tattoo requires a Japanese artist, but anyway a trip to Japan might be worth the trouble.
There is another catch. This is not the sort of tattoo to show off to your friends. Japanese are way more subtle than this. They are supposed to be shown only to your girlfriend or boyfriend, or occasionally to the local Yakuza mob. Yep you are reading right, this is what subtlety is in Japan, I have heard that they are still working on it. Nobody gets it right in the first place you know? Also these tattoos will hurt… a lot, because they are still doing the whole damn thing manually, so for every dot of the tattoo expect a needle expertly inserted in your skin, that if you’re lucky of course and through the expert hand there isn’t some sake flowing.
My guess is that this is the way they discovered acupuncture. The bottom line is that if you really want such a tattoo go ahead and do it, you will definitely be a beach attraction.
| at 8:32 AM
MIrrors are tricky. They can ruin your day. Shown here, Stepford Woman just prior to stoning death.
The mirror in my guest room is a treasured possession. I never look haggard in it, probably because the lighting is poor. Poor lighting is crucial. Don't forget it.
The mirror in my bedroom is balanced on a stack of books and so is a bit cockeyed. This gives me an optimistic start to my day.
Mirrors in optical shops can give you a heart attack. Don't go in there. What is it that you want to see anyway? The mirrors in these joints--Lenscrafter, etc.-- have excruciating honest lighting. Convert to Catholicism and go to confession if you want to share all your faults. .
The rear view mirror in the car is flattering. One reason is that it doesn't show all of your face. Also, it doesn't show your neck at all. Who knew the neck would turn out to be your worst betrayer. If you go from the car mirror into an optical shop, don't say I didn't warn you.
Department store mirrors are okay. The lighting is fluorescent or artificial or something. They don't insist that you look at each plague pustule in detail. Macy's mirrors are generally okay. Some of them actually make you look thin. I think this is explained in a little known corollary of Einstein's relativity theory (tjmxx=fu2) and has to do with gravity and time and other scientific data such as wishful thinking. WHen you buy that odd daring item, it never looks as good in any other mirror.
This is how I think I look. By the way, I used to have plates in this pattern. Damn!
This is how I look at Lenscrafter.

Five-way or three-way mirrors can be frightening. That's when you see what your stomach has been doing behind your back. Good God! Also, I sometimes find my nose exceptionally beaky in these reflections. Is that my ass? I'm sure it isn't. And that can't be how my hair looks in the back. When did I get that big crop circle on the top?
Makeup mirrors are excellent. They make every woman look like Grace Kelly or Elizabeth Taylor. What's not to like? I don't have one of these. I don't believe in Santa Claus either.
They say the camera adds ten pounds and it's true. The side view, even with the stomach sucked in, can be a throat-clutching moment. You may need to sit down. Stay there. Most everyone looks better sitting down
The best way I know to fight these problems is denial.
That can't be how I look.
A bientot
I'll Miss You When You're Gone
| at 6:27 AM
My guests were great fun and wonderful to be with.
This pic is from another trip. Until John (in white cap) sends me the current one, it will have to do.
Do I look like a lush here? Don't answer that.
Dr. Neil.
Doing exams or cleaning the barbecue? You choose.
The power!
The awesomeness!
Life is different with gloves!
Also when you dress like a jester!
What do you have to do to get a cup of coffee here?
See that box of candy on the table? It is now gone. Consumed. Inhaled.
Brie (oops, forgot to serve)
Cheddar cheese
2 bags Tostitos
one half carrot cake
one third egg casserole
cream cheese
cream cheese spread (left by glove wearer)
dead fruit
half pound turkey breast (never served, never offered, never thought of once)
one half lasagne (now frozen)
three bottles wine (will never last)
beer (will still be here on CHristmas Eve, my next dinner party)
Am making transition to real life, dear reader. Observation so far: it sucks.
More later.
A bientot,
House Party
| at 6:12 AM
Stay tuned for exciting details, dear reader! Who will squeeze the toothpaste wrong? Who will leave dirty underwear on the floor?
That white couch in my house would be streaked with burrito stains in ten minutes. And I don't even eat burritos. I love formal attire, though. I like the smiley guy on the couch who already has his coat off. HAS HE GOT HIS LEG UP ON THE WHITE COUCH? It's okay, I'll let him.
A bientot
Tattoo Site review
| at 5:09 AM
This site so cool, You can found 250,860 tattoos in many categories, Tribal, asian, pin up, religion, fantasy, portraits and many more !
Active participation getting this web so exist and getting bigger day by day, congratulation, give tattooist media in express their cool tattoo.