Pawleys Island is just below Myrtle Beach, so lots of golfers are everywhere. You see groups of them, many in shorts, some with big stomachs, breakfasting here and there and enjoying grits! (I didn't get a picture of them, dear reader, but I did chat with a few--golfers, not grits!)
You see lovely silvery beaches.

It feels so good to take your jacket off after a long winter in New England.

My dear friend Dana lives there and loves it.
Here she is pointing out a spelling error in a sign, which I failed to get in the shot We are always pointing out something.
Also just noticing signs.

Here is one we liked at a beauty shop.
But I digress.

Spring is further along down there. I went for a walk with my camera and drank in the sights.

Of which there were many.
This Spanish moss hangs over all the trees in some places. It's eerie and gothic. It makes me think of William Faulkner and "A Rose for Emily."
Or my main girl Scarlett O'Hara. "I'll never be hungry again!" Believe me, there was little chance of that on this trip.

Palm trees abound. Tourists like to see those. Nothing says "tropical" like they do, even if it is a little chilly.
Yikes! This what you call a walk hastener.
A walk speeder-upper.
I kept thinking of Steve Irwin--"she's a real beauty!"
The IntraCoastal waterway goes through Pawleys Island, so you can stroll over and see that.
Boats and more boats. But let's get to the big stuff.

That's right. Stein Mart. The real thing. I've been waiting four years to go back. I never get to go to the one in Arkansas because I never have the time.
It was heaven.
I came within a hair of buying this raincoat, dear reader. A hair!
But I was strong!
I bought shoes instead.
We saw the Jeff Bridges movie. For a while, we were the only ones in the theatre. Where was everybody at 11:40 in the morning? Yeesh.
The movie was good. I wanted to see a sexy guy kiss a girl and I got what I paid for.
Free oysters on St. Patrick's Day? Yup, you heard that right.
As many as you wanted. This was at the Hot Fish Club and I think it was in Murrell's Inlet.

The bartender is very cute and was rooting for West Virginia in the tournament.
Meanwhile, Dana had never been to Sonic and had never tasted a cherry limeade.
That situation is rectified.
I know what this might look like. But this is Dana using a straw to suck the air out of a package she is mailing to her daughter.
That girl knows her household tricks.
There were other sights, dear reader, but these are the ones I can show you.
To Dana, Chuck, and Bogie--thank you! I had a blast and completely forgot everything else about my life. [that's good because as I was enjoying myself down there, a foot of water was rising in my basement]
I wish I was still there. Sigh.
A bientot