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Okay, let's start with last week.
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How can I possibly be cheerful? Look at these papers I have to finish marking by the end of the weekend. And that's only one bagful.
Cheer can't be coming from that. Ugh.
Maybe I'm cheerful because of the odd dream fragment I woke up to. It concerned my parents and a big bag of onions.
This would make me cheerful?
It certainly can't be from this!!AAAAAAAAAAARGH--a Christmas floor mat, sitting bold as you please on my kitchen floor. I'm telling you, Christmas is like a cockroach-- you can't kill it!!
So it's not that.
I could be the weather. The sun is out, dear reader, and New Englanders are crawling out from under their rocks.No, not Plymouth Rock, which is a very big disappointment if you've never been there.
I just mean rocks in general, not forgetting that I am from Little Rock, haha.
No, the cheer is clearly coming from my old friend,
A bientot
| at 4:59 AM
| at 2:47 PM
First of all, the young woman in this photo is not me. HAH! A few years ago I did run/jog two miles per day, far from twenty six, but I don't any more. I walk.
Note: My very good friend Lynn used to be a great runner in her day and wore fabulous spandex suits to do it in. I remember one psychedelic one in particular that dropped a few jaws in our little town. We used to run together at the local high school track (where I still walk) and she looked great. I kind of motored along in a pitiful way.
Our sons played sports there and were mortified by us. It would be hard to overestimate just how embarrassed they were. We used to start giggling about it as we ran and thought of calling out to them now and then, "Brendan!! Have you had your bowel movement today?" (I do apologize to my readers who thought I had higher standards)
Anyway, I did not even make it to the track today because of the weather, which was abominable. High winds, pounding rain and cold. There you have it. That's pretty much why New England is losing population, because that is what we get in April. I checked the weather in Arkansas and New Jersey and it was better in both places (speaking of New Jersey, poor Governor Corzine, wear that seat belt next time, dude).
| at 5:28 PM
| at 4:28 AM
This is the second book in the mom lit mystery series about a military spouse who runs a professional organizing business. Take a listen:
Diaper bag over her shoulder and adorable toddler wriggling in her arms, Ellie Avery strives to balance motherhood, marriage, and her professional organizing business, Everything in Its Place, but her ordered world is thrown into disarray when a fellow military spouse’s death looks more like murder than suicide. Toss in her husband’s deployment and her daughter’s separation anxiety, and Ellie has to keep the home fires burning as she sort clues from chaos and proves that home is not for killers.
And here's a bit about the author:
Born and raised in Amarillo, Texas, Sara Rosett has always loved to curl up with a good book. The wife of an Air Force pilot, she and her family moved ten times—giving her plenty of expertise to write the Mom Zone mystery series about a military spouse. Sara and her family currently live in southern California. Her work appeared in Chicken Soup for the Military Wife’s Soul, and she is working on the next Mom Zone mystery, Getting Away is Dangerous (Kensington, April 2008).
You can visit her website or her entertaining blog or simply
buy the book .
| at 4:18 PM
Don't let my daughter fool you. She can't make them either. Only restaurants can. Or people in the PTA we don't want to know.
Maybe I will write a book about a girl who makes carrot flowers and soap sculptures and Kleenex origami. A loving girl who falls for a mean guy and her friends tell her to beware but she feels that because she can make carrot flowers, everything else will work out. CARROT GIRL.
Maybe it'll be a book about a woman who sits and stares at a statue of Mark Twain and makes carrot flowers while she does it. CARROT GIRL AND THE STATUE.
I'll stick with the old ladies, who right now are running a prostitute ring. How did I get there? I'm not sure exactly.
I'm reading SECRET SOCIETY GIRL by Diana Peterfreund and it is fascinating. I have always longed to be in a secret club and never have been. Doesn't someone want to invite me?
And as if there weren't enough troubles in the world, Hannaford's is doing a complete remodel. AAAAAAAAAAARGH, I don't know where anything is. By the time I emerge from its aisles, I have the look of a losing Survivor contestant who has been voted off the show. OUT!!!
It's COLD in New England, dear reader. REALLY COLD. What's up with that?
Sacre Bleu!
A bientot
| at 4:12 AM
Huh? This was my fortune at the Chinese restaurant Saturday night. Very strange and obscure, especially considering my other friends got pretty ordinary ones, such as "What you will do matters. All you need to do is do it" and "You or a close friend will be married soon." But me, I get spider webs and lions. Not that I'm against spinning a few webs.
I pretty much spent the weekend eating. I was in Hartford for Easter and our hosts had spent significant time hiding foil Easter eggs. It was only polite to hunt for them and then eat them, wasn't it? Then after resolutely declining dessert so Maeve and I could lie on the floor and drool over each other, I ended up sitting at the kitchen table eating pie with a spooon right from the serving tray.
So today it's 3.5 pounds till High School Weight.
Think I could snare this guy? I'd better start spinning.
3 more weeks of teaching
Still 8 months until Christmas
Weather bound to get warmer
Can't think of any more
A bientot
| at 12:16 PM
But it so happens I was tagged by my very talented friend Chief Biscuit for WHAT HAPPENED ON YOUR BIRTHDAY?
My birthday is September 12. Did anything happen on that day?
I remember my seventeenth, or one tiny piece of it. I was a senior at Mt. St. Mary's High School in Little Rock and it was a Saturday. My best friend, Linda Hunkapiller, and I were walking up a steep hill--quite near her boyfriend's house, to whom she is married still. I do not remember why we were walking or where we were going, but I know I wore a blue and black plaid outfit, sewn by my mother.
I had met some boy on a bus the day before and Linda and I were whispering and strategizing over what I should do. He had asked me on a date for that night which I had accepted, and Linda was forced to tell me there was a surprise party planned for me. It was a deuced awkward quandary to be in but I guess it got solved because I can't remember what happened. Can't remember who the boy was, either. So much for that birthday.
John and Jacqueline Kennedy were married on Sept. 12 at Hammersmith Farm in Newport, RI, which I have driven by and felt a certain connection to. Pitiful, you say? I wouldn't dispute that.
Henry Hudson discovered the Hudson River on my birthday!!!! That's what it says on Wikipedia so how can that be wrong (if you are my student, you may not use Wikipedia).
But here's the BIg One!!!
I am so HONORED to have the birthday of passion, as it were.
I will end with that.
You didn't really want to know if hostages were released on my birthday, did you, dear reader? Aren't you happy that my birthday celebrated LOVE?
Maybe it was a curse, haha.
A bientot